Wood Flooring in Your Bathroom Remodel?

The longstanding wisdom has been that wood floors and bathrooms simply don’t go together.
Revamping Your Children’s Old Spaces.

New parents usually put a lot of thought, time, and effort into the layout and design of a baby’s room.
Oh, the Possibilities! Finding a New Purpose for your Spare Bedroom

The day has finally arrived. The kids have all moved off to college and are starting their new careers, and you suddenly find yourself with an empty house…and an empty bedroom or two.
Hold the Pink! Updating a Girl’s Bedroom without Clichés

Once upon a time, children’s toy manufacturing companies, interior designers and even parents assumed this one fact must be true:
Tile: The Secret to a Snazzy New Bathroom

Let’s face it. Luxury bathroom renovations can really start to add up, especially when changing out the bathtub, altering the floor plan, or relocating the vanity or toilet. The good news? Drastically altering the look and feel of a space can be achieved with fresh tile patterns.
Small & Stylish: Revamping the Powder Room

Often overlooked when it comes time for renovations, tiny spaces in the home, like the powder room, are actually brimming with design possibilities.
How to Make a Small Room Seem Larger

Over the past 50 years, as the average household size has decreased
Opening The Master Suite

Your Master Suite is your start of the day & end of the day sanctuary. Enjoy it to the fullest!